We Finally Hear Something from Georgie!
I’m gonna guess that unless you live in the Hive, you probably never heard that due to a Large Misunderstanding beetween the Owner/Manager of Lousy Louie’s Fine Dining Bar and Grille (Felonie Snark) and me, and due in Huge Part to an Unanticipated Malfunction in my Ankle Monitor, my House Arrest was Mistakenly Revoked and I was placed in Solitary Confinement for the past I don’t Remember how many days, weeks or years it’s been. But lucky for me - and thanks in a Highly Massive Way to an Class Action Appeal submitted by my girlfriend, ButterCup, Kevin (my Illegitimate Nephew), Great Grandma Gee Gee, and my Partially-Sensory-Impaired Certified Emotional Support/Service LadyBug, Potato, to the Hive’s High Court, it was just ruled that it wasn’t me that did anything wrong, and instead, Narville and Chaz Snark were placed into Custody to face Trial for their many, Heinous Crimes. Of course, they immediately Appealed the Charges, but everybody is completely and absolutely Certain beeyond any Shadow of any Doubt that they will bee Convicted. In the meantime, they’re out on Bail, and I was Released from Custody.
It feels good to bee back home in my ShoeBox. And this is Exactly, Precisely where I intend to stay. It’s so unbeelievably Cold and Windy out that, until Further Notice, I plan to stay right here in my Wee Warm Bee Bed and fall asleep streaming Re-Runs.
So I’m gonna do that.