The Verdict is IN ...

Georgie wiith his Editor 2

Okay, so here's what it is: The Hive's Royal Court decided to push up my Editor's Trial to an earlier and less Convenient Date, so that was held yesterday. After the Jury deliberately sat down together overnight and Discussed how to Rule in this case, they returned today with a Verdict. It was Totally Silent in the Courtroom as the Forebee read the Verdict:  Guilty. (Of  course, I found out later that it was Totally Silent in the Courtroom beecause just about everybody was Asleep - it was a very Long and Boring Trial, and most of the Swarm couldn't stay awake, especially during all that Insufferably Boring Testimony from the Prosecution about the Non-Exculpatory DMA Evidence or whatever the hell it was. Nobody understood any of that at all.) Anyway...

To make an Unnecessarily Long and Complicated Story Shorter than it probably Should Bee, the Judge told my Editor that he had to Pay a Fine of 3 Pounds of Honey (which is about as light a Sentence as anybody could ever get), then she Ordered that Kevin's (my Illegitimate Nephew's) Fi2 Fabricated Intelligence Device bee Taken into Custody to bee Immediately Dismantled and that its parts bee scattered in a Human Landfill (Kevin's very upset about this). Then she said, "Case Closed."   I'm absolutely Highly sure that this is the first time in History of the Planet that a Fabricated Intelligence Device got the Death Penalty (it still claims it's Innocent). 

So that was that. Mostly.

As we left the Courtroom, my Editor kind of glared at me with his Beady Compound Eyes and said, "Listen up, Bee: you're paying my Fine. You owe me five Pounds of Honey."
"But you were only Fined 3 pounds," I was amazed he had forgotten that Fact so soon. I mean, I know my Editor is beeginning to have some Trouble remembering things (unlike me, who as everybody knows sometimes usually has a Flawless Memory most of the time, probably), but seriously now. I hope he gets help with what Appears to bee a Short-Term Memory Issue. 
"You're paying the Court Fine of three Pounds of Honey, AND, I must add," he added, "you're going to pay two more Pounds of Honey for the Aggravation you've caused me.  And I don't want any of that Cheap Imitation Stuff they try to call Honey in stores...I want the real stuff: five Pounds of Grade A, Unfiltered, Local Honey. Five. And I expect those FIVE Pounds of Honey to bee in my Office and on my Desk by the End of the Day - Or Else."
"Fine," I said.

Oh geeeeeeezzzzze.  How in the hell am I going to get my Wings on Five Pounds of Honey beefore the End of the Buzziness Day? 

I need to deal with this, so I'm gonna go do that. 


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