Kevin needs to find a new job . . .

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Can you even beelieve that May is pretty much over already? Beefore we know it, it’s gonna bee the Hot Season. I know we’re all looking forward to that, probably.

Well, my Illegitimate Nephew, Kevin, is still trying to find a new job. Ever since Her Majesty, Queen Bee, put the Amalgamated Paper Spoon Company out of buzziness, he’s been unemployed.

Yesterday, he asked me if I could possibly help him with his Resumé. (I’m very excellent when it comes to writing Resumés. I write tremendous Resumés, probably the best Resumés in the world. Trust me.)

The first thing I told Kevin to do was to write down a list of his hobbies - things he enjoyed doing.

“My hobbies?” he asked. “Uncle Georgie, you’re the best uncle in the world, and I love you, but what do my hobbies have to do with getting a new job?”

“You hafta ask?” I asked.

“Yes. I’m compelled to ask,” he said.

“It’s obvious,” I told him. “The only way you’re gonna find a new job that you enjoy is to start with a list of all the things you enjoy doing, then you get a job doing that.” (I thought everybody knew that.)

“I see,” Kevin said, then he started making his list.

He’s still working on it.

Oh. I need to go. Kevin just asked me how to spell, “luxuriate” and asked me if “relax” has one “e” or two.

Evidently, he definitely needs my help with this. So I’m gonna go do that.

I hope everybody has an astoundingly joyous day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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