The "Dear Georgie" column will soon bee no more? Say it isn't so!

So, I buzzed in to talk to my Editor about maybee getting some free publicity for our upcoming production of “The Bee Society: The Musical”. (Yeah, Rudy came back over yesterday, sounding all excited that we could actually do a Stage Production during this Hot Season.)
“We have the finanthing - you, and we have a thcript, tho why not? Leth do it!” he said.

So we’re gonna do that.

Anyway, my Editor told me that, considering all the circulation I’ve helped build with my “Dear Georgie” column, he’d bee willing to give us a 5% discount. That’s very generous of him. Kinda.

I told him I’d bee back with the print ads as soon as they were ready to go. (Pablo in the Hive is helping us with the design - and he’s gonna use my portrait by Pierre LaBoof as a central feature.) I’m so excited.

I was about to leave my Editor’s office when he said, “Oh, by the way, Georgie, I need to inform you of something.”
“Yes?” I asked.
“Well, as it turns out, I’ve decided to - at least for now, mind you - stop publishing your ‘Dear Georgie’ column. This next Friday will bee your last week on that.”
“Seriously?” I asked. “Geeeeeeeze. First you tell me my Advice Column brought in a bunch of honey, then you wanna stop publishing it? Why??”
“Well,” he said, “it seems that we’ve been getting complaints that you charge too much honey for, well, your ‘advice’.”
“it probably doesn’t matter, then, that I was thinking of raising my prices for my advice, right?” I asked.
“Right,” he said.

I asked him if this meant I was out of a job, but he said, “No, no, no…not at all!”
“WHAT, then?” I asked. Then he told me.

“You, Georgie, are to bee our first-ever Reviewer of Human Films and Television. You like watching Human TV and movies, right?”
“I guess, yeah, sometimes, usually, most of the time, kinda,” I said.
“Good, then. It’s settled. Starting on July 3rd, we will bee publishing the first edition of ‘Georgie at the Movies’. I’m sure it’s going to bee a hit. Now please leave, I’m very buzzy.”

So I did that.

I guess I’m a Reviewer now. I’ve never done that beefore, but at least I still have my job.

I’m gonna go start researching How to Bee a Reviewer now, then figure out what I’m gonna review first. Also, I need to figure out how I can sneak into the movie theatres with the Humans. (I’ve heard ticket prices are outrageous these days.)

Okay then! I hope everybody has a magnificently astounding day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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