Uh oh. Georgie's in trouble with ButterCup

Friday, February 19, 2016

Well, I’m happy to report that my Illegitimate Nephew, Kevin, finally apologised to ButterCup for beeing so rude during her performance of the Dance of the 87 Veils. They pretty much hadn’t been talking since that happened. Yesterday, Kevin said, “I can’t take this anymore,” and apologised.

Everything seemed to bee going along pretty well after that, until last night. I was just sitting there, minding my own buzziness, when ButterCup walked into the room and just stood there, glaring at me.

“What?” I asked.
“So,” she said, “you found her highly attractive?”
“Who?” I asked.
“I think you know exactly who I’m talking about,” she said.

Evidently, she read my story yesterday.

“Jasmine,” she finally said. “That Jasmine in your story. You found her highly attractive? Not just attractive…HIGHLY attractive is what you said. Is that true?”
“Oh yeah, I remember now,” I told her. “Uhh, well, yes, I mean no, I was just… .”
“You were just what?” ButterCup seemed really mad.
“I was just - you know - trying to make the story as interesting as it was when it happened, that’s all.”
“So you think Jasmine’s not only highly attractive, but interesting? More interesting than me?”

I didn’t like where this conversation was going. I tried to think of a way to help ButterCup not bee mad at me.

“No, that’s not what I meant at all,” I said. “I think you’re interesting and attractive.”
“But not HIGHLY attractive? Is that what you’re saying?”
“No!” I tried to say.
“No? You don’t find me HIGHLY attractive?” she crossed her wings across her thorax.

“I was just trying to write the story of what happened to me when I went missing last Cool Season,” I tried to explain.
“You mean, what happened to you and your girlfriend? And what else happened that you haven’t written about yet, George?”

Oh geeeeeeze. I always know ButterCup’s mad at me when she starts calling me ‘George’. Probably.

This went on for quite awhile and I just seemed to bee getting in deeper and deeper with her, so I was kinda glad when she stormed out of the room. (I don’t like arguing.)

I need somebody to remind me to remember not to leave my manuscripts laying around the place. It just leads to misunderstandings.

Anyway, today, I’ve promised ButterCup that I’d take her to a nice, expensive lunch - so we did that - then in a little while, we’re going out to a play together - a musical production of “The Secret Life of Bees"; then, this weekend, I’m taking her on a romantic getaway, providing I can find a romantic getaway somewhere around here. I’m hoping that by the time Sunday rolls around, she’ll bee speaking to me again.

By the way… have I ever mentioned that ButterCup is highly attractive? I mean HIGHLY attractive. And, I should add, highly interesting.

Alright then. I hope everybody has a strikingly pleasant weekend!

I’ll see ya’ on Monday!

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