Georgie has his fitting ...

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

So, I went in for my Pre-Probably-Reversible Plastic Surgery Surgical Reversal Fitting yesterday.


When I asked Professor Bilderschlutten what I was beeing fitted for, he said, “Why, your Frequency-Adjusted Non-Linear Variable Flux Bubble-Driven Reversion Module, of course.”

Silly me. I shouldn’t have even asked. (Beesides, I already knew there was probably gonna bee some sort of Flax Nodules-somethings involved in the whole thing somewhere along the line. I mean, now that I think about it, it’s pretty obvious, right?)

For a very long time, the Professor used a tape measure to determine my Precise Cranial Dimensions. When he took my measurements, he kinda muttered to himself, “Uh huh,” or “okay”, or “that should still work”. Of course, I couldn’t help but notice that he wasn’t writing any of this stuff down. When he was done, he stuck the tape measure back in his drawer and smiled at me.

“Shouldn’t you bee writing all those numbers down somewhere?” I asked.

He seemed surprised that I’d asked him that, and said, “Oh, no, no no. That’s entirely unnecessary. I remember each and every measurement perfectly, probably.”

That was reassuring.

Then he said. “I think we’re in good shape to go ahead with the Procedure first thing Wednesday morning. You’ll have your normal face back in no time at all, mostly - and I mean that sincerely.”

I felt relieved that we would finally bee getting on with this whole thing and that my life can soon return to normal, whatever that is.

So, the Professor told me to show up for my Reversal Surgery promptly at 5 a.m.-ish on tomorrow morning, and that I’m not supposed to eat or drink anything beetween now and then, and that I should only wear shoes - nothing else - to the Procedure…which is okay, since that’s all I ever wear anyway, usually.

I already feel thirsty.

Anyway. I hope everybody has a hugely tremendous day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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