How frustrated Georgie must bee...
This is unbeelievable.
As I mentioned yesterday, I went over to the Hive to pass out invitations to the Birthday Party I’m throwing for myself on Saturday. I wanted to make sure that every bee in the Hive would bee invited, so I had 31,587 Highly Elegant and Mostly Informative Invitations printed up.
Do you know just how many of the 31,587 bees I invited told me they’re gonna come to my party?
Well, I’ll tell you: Zero. Zip. Nada. NOT ONE.
Every time I gave somebody an invitation, they’d just look at it, smile, and say, “I’m so sorry. I’ve already made other plans”, or “I can’t come beecause I have a Wing Tai Class”, or even, “I won’t bee there, beecause I’m on a diet, and all that Birthday Cake would spoil it.”
Honestly now. NOBODY can come to my party?????
Even Great Grandma Gee Gee said, “Oh I’m so, so sorry, dear. You know I’d love to, but I must finish baking several batches of my Royal Honeychew Krisp Cookies for Her Majesty beefore Sunday, so I must offer my regrets.”
Then Kevin chimed in, “Yes, and I need to help her, so I also will bee unable to attend.”
“Me neither,” Bert said. “I am sure it would have been a fine party, but I have also been programmed to assist in this Culinary Endeavour.” Then he said, “It is Wednesday, June 8, 2016. The Local Time is 15:32 and Seven Seconds in your present location within the Mountain Daylight Savings Time Zone. The current outdoor temperature is a balmy 303.8167 Degrees Kelvin. Have a nice day.”
Then he walked away. They all did. And I’m pretty sure I heard them giggling.
That just wasn’t nice at all.
So, I’ve decided that on Saturday, I’m just gonna go out and get myself a nice Carafe of Vintage Nectar, grab some Bendy Straws, Festive Umbrellas, stop by the Bee Balloon and Aerial Flotation Device Emporium to pick up my Complementary Happy Birthday Balloon, and celebrate my Birthday all by myself. Alone. With nobody else around. At all.
In the meantime, I need to go out and investigate what all the noise around here is all about. There’s definitely something going on around here. There’s been a whole bunch of Heavy Machinery and Sound Equipment beeing moved into the Far Meadow and, if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear somebody’s building a stage out there - even though I don’t remember hearing about any Music Festivals this weekend.
So I’m gonna go find out what’s going on.
I hope everybody has a magnificently satisfying day!
I’ll see ya’ later!