Monday has arrived...

Monday, August 29, 2016

Somebody pinch me. (But not too hard. I don’t want to bee injured here, ya know.) Anyway… I can’t beelieve it! It can’t already bee Monday already, can it? It’s like some kind of dream come true, ya’ know? I’ll bet my BeePs are all as excited as I am about this, right? I thought so.

So during Kevin’s (my Illegitimate Nephew’s) Birthday Party on Saturday, Rudy grabbed my wing and told me he needed to talk to me about something important. As it turned out, he wanted to talk to me about my beeing in charge of providing Refreshments for all the Bee Kazzzzoo Band & Orchestra Rehearsals.

I’m so excited. I’m the perfect bee for this job. (I attended a Seminar once about learning all about Meeting Planning and, of course, I focused my attention on Section 7: Refreshments. You could say that Refreshments are my specialty, probably.

I told him I was incredibly honoured, but he just said, “Yeah, well…don’t bee. Nobody elth can do it right now, tho you have to. And pleath, Georgthie Bee, don’t meth thith up.”

I told him that OF COURSE I won’t mess this up, since Quality Refreshments are essential at any successful and productive Rehearsal and, as he already mostly knows, I’m not only highly qualified and completely trustworthy to see that this Important Task is accomplished with an unprecedented degree of success, probably.

So I came up with a brilliant idea: Fermented Nectar Shots, and Royal HoneyChew Krisp Cookies!


It’s gonna bee perfect.

I’m gonna visit the Hive Library. There’s a book on Advanced Nectar Fermentation Techniques that I wanna check out - and I hafta return my copy of “To Kill a Hummingbird”, which mostly might bee overdue.

Also, it won’t bee much longer beefore the Cool Season starts, so I wanna bee sure I’m ready with a huge supply of delicious and warming Fermented Nectar to help me get through all those chilly days. (Usually, I just go out and buy that stuff, but somebody told me that if you really want the best, most nutritious and effective Fermented Nectar, you hafta make it yourself.) That means I can kill two birds with one stone! (Not that I’m gonna do that…I’m not gonna go kill two birds, and I don’t beelieve in throwing stones…it’s a saying I learned from one of my Beeps that means that I can get two things done at the same time. There will bee no birds harmed in any of this.)

So I’m gonna do that. I’m gonna go get that Instruction Book, then spend the rest of the afternoon making my first Batch. I’m sure it’s gonna bee delicious.

This is a huge responsibility, so I’m sorry I can’t just keep standing around, chatting like this. I hafta go.

I hope everybody has a mystifyingly satisfying day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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