The Community Service continues...

Friday, June 24, 2016

So, I guess I was supposed to have something on my Editor’s Desk today for my First New Hot Season Weekly Feature, and which was supposed to bee published in today’s Bee Times Gazette Journal Record …and Online News.

I hope he’s not too highly disappointed that I didn’t quite get around to doing that. After all, I’m sure the Sun will come up tomorrow morning, as usual, even if I didn’t get everything done I was supposed to. Probably. The fact is, I ran out of time.

I blame the Community Service. That has been tremendously time-consuming so far.

Yesterday, I Served the Community by spending a massive amount of time cleaning up after a bunch of amazingly rude Transient Bees that have been hanging around here and making a nuisance of themselves. They keep making a huge mess of things. So I just didn’t have the time to even think about my Feature Column while I was buzzy doing that.

I think just about every today and tomorrow is gonna bee pretty much like yesterday when it comes to that, at least until I’m done with those 87 hours of Community Service.

I only have 81.36275 hours left beefore I finish that.

So, Kevin (my Illegitimate Nephew) just woke up and came around the corner to tell me that my Editor had left me several messages while I was out yesterday, and that I’m supposed to get back to him at my “Earliest Possible Opportunity”. Of course, I’m not sure when that’s gonna bee… and I’m also not sure that I’m all that anxious to talk to my Editor anyway, especially that soon. I’m sure he’ll just tell me I hafta get to work -or else - and I really don’t need to hear that right now.

I think he’s just gonna hafta wait.

Beesides, it’s the weekend and I don’t work on weekends, so I’ll buzz by his Office on Monday, probably.

I hope everybody has a legendarily fascinating weekend!

I’ll see ya’ on Monday!

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