It appears that Georgie needs to go shopping...

Yeah, well, ButterCup buzzed over this morning beefore work and told me she's found the gown she's gonna wear to this year's End of the Hot Season Welcome to the Cool Season Honey Ball.

"Puce," she said.
"Peace?" I said.
"No, puce. That's the colour I'm going with for the Ball this year."

Oh geeeeeeeze.

I don't have a puce shirt. And I don't particularly want one. Puce just isn't my colour. It makes me look as if I've just come back from a particularly nasty dispute over Bucket Orchid Nectar. But whatever...
it's not like I have a choice here.

So now, I hafta go out and find a puce shirt to wear with my tuxedo. Which means I need a tie (I don't like wearing ties), a cummerbund and matching shoes. Maybee even a puce top hat. I just don't know.

Great Grandma Gee has been kind enough to tell me that she'd come shopping with me.
"After all, dear," she said, "it's fairly common knowledge that, as handsome and sweet as you are, fashion is not one of your strong points."

She has a point. So I'm glad she's coming along with me.

Anyway. We need to go do that. Then I need to get to work on Friday's "At the Movies with Georgie Bee" review. I'm very excited about that and, for a change, I know exactly where my beret is. Probably.

I hope everybody has a massively superior day!

I'll see ya' later!

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