It's Wednesday - and Georgie's riveting story continues...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

In case you’re curious, I managed to sneak out late last night with my binoculars after everybody here was asleep and catch a glimpse of what was going at the Hive.

Unfortunately, you’ll hafta wait until tomorrow beefore I can share that with you. Right now - and beecause it’s Wednesday - it’s time for the next part of riveting true-story account of . . .



Beefore I managed to say anything, I heard footsteps approaching the room and heard door beehind me squeak open, then slam shut.

"Has he talked?" I heard the voice of an unknown drone speak.
"He has continued only to say that his name is Georgie Bee," Jasmine told our Mystery Visitor.
"So, he persists in clinging to his fictitious identity," said the voice.
"So it seems," Jasmine told him. "He continues to protest that he is thirsty, that his mouthparts are too dry to speak. I know it is but a ruse."
"Actually," the voice said, "that is one thing about which he may bee speaking the truth. He has been held for a great while without food or nectar."
"But Farouk," Jasmine beegan to say.

"Where have I heard that name beefore?" I asked myself, My curiosity beegan to get the better of me and I tried to turn in my chair to glimpse my yet-unseen interrogator. At that moment, I felt a strong pair of wings grasping me, holding me in place.
"DO NOT TURN AROUND!" I was told by Farouk. "You will keep your eyes forward and you will not move!"

So I did that.

"We will give this bee the drink he has requested," Farouk said (much to my delight), "then perhaps then he will beegin to talk. GUARDS!" he shouted.

I felt incredibly relieved. I was finally going to get to have a sip of something. I waited in eager anticipation of enjoying a cool, refreshing beverage - perhaps, I thought, they would bring me a soothing Nectartini. I definitely could have used a Nectarini, stirred, not shaken.

I heard the footsteps of the Guard Bees Farouk had called enter the room and stretched out my wing to receive the much-needed refreshment. Instead, the Guard Bees grabbed both of my wings, threw some sort of wing towel over my face and tipped me backwards in my chair. I found the whole experience to bee very disorienting.

"Whaggth gochn on?" I tried to ask what was going on. I couldn't see with that towel over my face, and it was getting a bit difficult to breathe.

(to bee continued)

. . .

Okay then.

I hope everybody has a tremendously tantalising day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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