Georgie gets a happy surprise...

Friday, July 29, 2016

I hope everybody realises that there are no more Mondays left in this Month. They’ve all been used up. It’s all extremely sad. But the good news is that, in just a few days, we’ll not only get a new Monday, but we get to start another Month from the very beeginning!

ButterCup wanted to get together with me earlier today, and practise beefore our next Tango Lesson on Saturday. She told me that if we show up without practising, Bendy would not bee pleased.

“And trust me when I say,” she said, “you do not want to displease Bendy.”

I didn’t get a chance to ask her why until we met at the Hive’s Public Rehearsal Facility, Cell 287, just a little while ago. Then I asked her, “What’s that not wanting to make Bendy mad thing all about?”

“Well,” ButterCup said. “I had heard from some of the other workers that you shouldn’t make Bendy mad, even if you’re a Customer, but I didn’t know what they were talking about, and they wouldn’t tell me. Now I know.

At the Fitness Class I went to yesterday, I decided to skip doing ten of those really unpleasant Knee Pulls she always makes us do. For some reason, my knees are really sore, so I decided not to do those. As soon as Bendy found out, she made me stay after class and clean the Salad Bar. And let me tell you right now, that was anything but fun. I don’t ever want to have to do that again. Ever,” then she kinda scrunched up her proboscis like she’d just sucked on a lemon or something.

“Geeeeeeeze,” was about all I could say to that.

“And you’re right,” she told me. “Bendy’s Salads may bee delicious,” (they aren’t, beelieve me), “but they’re dangerously unhealthy and a risk to your overall well-beeing. You should see that kitchen. It’s disgusting. We’re never eating there again.”

“We’re not?” I tried to look serious, but I kinda accidentally started smiling and dancing a little bit. Fortunately, ButterCup didn’t notice that. Probably.

“No, we are not. Not ever,” she said with a determined buzz. “A bee would need a BioHazard Suit to deal with that mess. I’m surprised she stays in buzziness, or that her customers aren’t in the Hive Clinic, having both of their stomachs pumped.”

Now that’s what I call Good News. I don’t ever hafta suffer through one of Bendy’s Salads ever again. What could possibly bee better than that?

I’ll tell you what’s better than that: ButterCup kept talking.

“And I’m NOT enjoying these Tango Lessons, either, Georgie. My knees just can’t take it. I know you had your heart set on you and me learning to Tango together, and I know you’re gonna feel disappointed when I say this, but I don’t want to do these Tango Lessons. You’re so romantic, but this is torture.”

“That’s fantastic news!” I said, then I grabbed her and gave her a hug. “I hate the Tango! I’m so glad you don’t like your Anniversary Present! I was hoping you wouldn’t!”

Then we just smiled at each other. She went back to work, and I came home, to do this.

I think I’m gonna try to go find out if they’ve started selling tickets for this year’s Bee Games. They’re gonna bee starting pretty soon, and I wanna make sure I get good seats.

Beefore I go, I should mention that my Editor sent me a message. It said that I hafta bee in his Office again on Monday, and that I should bring my next Weekly Feature Thingy for next week with me. He said he wants to “look it over”, which is strange, beecause I don’t think he’s ever done that beefore. Geeeeeeeeze. Why does he keeping doing this? I mean, he got that Tie he wanted, so his circulation must bee improving already. Seriously now.

Still, I gotta’ get buzzy on this. I plan to take it easy this weekend, as usual, so I need to figure out what kind of Tie to feature in my next Weekly Feature Thingy.

So I’m gonna go do that.

I hope everybody has an outrageously cooperative day!

I’ll see ya’ later!


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