Kevin (Georgie's Illegitimate Nephew) found a new job!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

So, now that all the excitement surround my 40th Birthday has pretty much died down - and now that we’re less than a week away from the beeginning of the new Hot Season - I need to figure out what to do with all these socks everybody gave me.

I ended up with 23,158 pairs of those things.

Seriously now, as much as I appreciate the thoughtful gifts, ya’d think everybody would’ve gotten together on this present-buying thing and made sure not so many of them would end up giving me the same thing. I mean seriously now, as much as I appreciate having a good supply of new socks, I really don’t need 23,158 pairs of those things. But whatever.

By the way, all my BeePs will bee happy to hear that Kevin found a new job. He is now the Exclusive Midwest Supplier of Non-Toxic, Organically-Grown Bendy Straws for Bendy Halloway-Over’s chain of “Bee Fit” Fitness Clubs.

With the help of S.O.Bee, the Hive Lawyer, he’s currently negotiating a Manufacturing Contract with his estranged sister’s company, “Felonie’s Fabrication Firm”, which (as it turns out) is a Subsidiary of Snark Enterprises.

I’m sure Kevin will have things rolling along in no time, and that he’ll beecome rich beeyond his wildest dreams. (Maybee then, he can start paying rent around here.)

So I’m gonna go deal with all these socks now.

I hope everybody has a fascinatingly gossip-worthy day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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