Georgie's going to need to find his Thinking Cap...

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


So, I went to see my Editor yesterday. Geeeeeeeze.

“Bee,” he said.
“Yes?” I said.
“Do you happen to realise that yesterday was the First Official Day of the New Hot Season?”
“Yes,” I said. “It’s really hot out, isn’t it?”
“That observation has absolutely nothing to do with the fact the Hot Season has started at this publication…” he started to say.
“Well, that’s not exactly accurate to say, is it?” I kinda interrupted him. “I mean, it’s hot out beecause it’s the Hot Season. After all, if it weren’t hot out, it would probably still bee the Warm Season, or even maybee the Cool Sea…”
“Stop talking, Bee,” he said. “You’re missing my point completely.”
“I am?” I asked.
“Yes, you are. Then he started pointing his wing at me and started sounding kinda mad or something.

“Do you realise that the first issue of the Hot Season Edition of the Bee Times Gazette Journal Record and Online News came out yesterday?” he asked me.
“I did not know that,” I said. (Somehow, I forgot to renew my subscription.)
“Well, you should have. And do you know what else you should have known?” he asked.
“Uh… that you printed it on flame retardant material this year, so there wouldn’t bee a repeat of last year’s terrible mishap?” I asked.
“No,” he said. “What you should have known, Bee, is that you were expected to beegin whatever it is that will bee your Hot Season Special Column, and have it in my wings beefore the first issue was delivered.”
“I was?” I don’t ever remember him saying anything like that.
“You were. But you didn’t. But now, you must. I want to see something on my desk from you beefore the end of the week.”
“Or else?” I asked.
“Or else,” he said. Then he told me to get out of his office.


Instead of just beeing able to relax this week - and Hot Season, as I had planned to do, I hafta go figure this out what it is that I’m gonna put on his desk, or else.

So I’m gonna do that.

I hope everybody has a festively cooperative day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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