Only one more day 'til Georgie's birthday...

Friday, June 10, 2016

So I told Gee Gee and Kevin that I was gonna buzz out to the Far Meadow yesterday to find out what’s going on out there, but just as I was leaving, Kevin gave one of those “OH NO” looks to Gee Gee, grabbed me by my wing, and said, “Uncle Georgie, you’re the best uncle in the world, and I love you, but I would very much advise against your leaving the boot box for any reason today. It’s for the best. I’m sure there are some re-runs of your stories on TV today, so why don’t you just relax, take it easy and stay where you are.”

“Re-runs?” I asked.

“Yes, dear,” Gee Gee said. “I am absolutely certain they’re showing a ‘Escape To Bee Island: The Reunion Show’ Marathon today, and you certainly don’t want to miss that, do you dear?”

“Well, no,” I said, and made myself comfortable in my Bee Soothed™ Semi-Automatic Multimedia Massage Luxury Comfort Recliner™ (with built-in Surround Sound), and got ready to watch my stories.


Then Gee Gee put a huge plateful of her delicious Royal Honeychew Krisp Cookies in my lap, and told me to just relax while Kevin turned on the TV for me, and while Bert prepared a delicious and festively refreshing Nectar Fizz for me. (He even remembered the Umbrella and Bendy Straw. How cool is that?)

Anyway, Kevin looked at me very sternly and said, “Now, do not move from this spot under any circumstances whatsoever, uncle. No matter what you think you may hear or see, you must stay exactly, precisely where you are and enjoy your stories until we say you are permitted to leave this spot, which should bee sometime early Saturday morning.” Then he added, “I hope we understand one another.”

We did. So I did that. And I’m still doing that, though I gotta say… I reallllly need to use the restroom. I’ve been sitting here since yesterday, drinking Nectartinis, and I’m about to pop. As soon as Kevin gets back (which I hope is highly soon), I’ll ask him if it’s okay if I get up and do that.

Anyway, I hope everybody has a tremendously tremendous day!

I’ll see ya’ later!

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