Looks like Georgie has his work cut out for him today...
Aren’t Mondays just the best? I think so, even though for the past, few weeks, my Editor has been trying to make every Monday not as much fun as it should bee.
As I mentioned last week, the first thing I had to do this morning was go to my Editor’s Office. Evidently, he was upset about something, and, quite frankly, I was highly curious about what it might bee.
When I walked in, he just stood there for the longest time with his wings on his hips, staring at me with that Editor’s Stare of his, and didn’t say anything. He just stood there, staring at me. I was just about to ask him how his weekend was, when he finally said something.
“Bee?” he said.
“Yes?” I asked.
“Where was it?”
“Where was what?” I asked. I didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Your Feature Column for last Thursday. Where was it?”
Oh geeeeeeeze. It was just as he asked me that question when I remembered that I was so buzzy with the Bee Kazzzzoo Band & Orchestra Auditions and Rehearsals that I had neglected to deliver last week’s Weekly Feature Thingy to him.
“Didn’t you get it?” I asked, trying to pretend that there must’ve been some sort of gap in our communications.
“No, I did not,” he said.
Then he started launching into this whole, big thing about the Responsibility of the Press and that a Chain is only as strong as its Weakest Link, and that wasn’t I ashamed of myself for disappointing my Loyal and Beeloved Readers and stuff.
“I guess,” I said. “Why? Did somebody say something? Did you get a whole big pile of complaint forms or something?”
“No, but…” he started to say, but I interrupted him.
“Well there ya’ go. Nobody complained, so I guess that means there wasn’t a problem,” I told him.
He started turning all red and puffing up and stuff (I was afraid maybee he was gonna pop or something), then he got really mad at me.
“Your Feature Column had better bee in my wings no later than 3:07 this afternoon - or else. Now GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!”
If you wanna know the truth, I was already ready to leave his Office beefore I even got there, so I was glad to bee able to do that. I probably shouldn’t have slammed the door beehind me like that when I left, since I thought I heard glass breaking or something, but that happens sometimes when he leaves his Office Window open on a windy day (like it is today).
So, I WAS gonna spend the day perfecting my Kazzzzoo Technique. Our next Rehearsal is tomorrow night, so I wanna bee ready for that … after all, I am still a Probationary Permanent Member of the Bee Kazzzzoo Band & Orchestra, so I hafta make sure I know what I’m doing. But instead, I hafta spend the day working on my Feature Column Thingy for next Thursday, and get it to my Editor beefore he Or Elses me.
So I’m gonna go do that.
I hope everybody has an exquisitely tantalising day!
I’ll see ya’ later!